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I do not know my usual cycle length or my cycle length varies. How do I know when to take an Ovulation Test?
If you don’t know your usual cycle length you are advised to wait for at least one menstrual cycle, and note the length of this cycle, before using Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test. Once you have determined your cycle length you can use the instructions overleaf to work out when to start testing. If your cycle length varies by more than 3 days then choose the shortest cycle you have had over the last 6 months to work out when to start testing. It is possible you may need to start a new pack and use the new test holder and test sticks to detect your LH surge. Alternatively, if you wish to start testing without knowing your cycle length, we recommend you start testing on day 10. (However, in this case it is possible you may miss your LH surge because you have started testing too late or you may need to start a new pack to continue testing. Refer to question 7).
What time of the day should I carry out the ovulation test?
You may test any time of day, but you should test at approximately the same time each day. You should not have urinated for at least 4 hours before testing.
Do I need to use all the ovulation tests?
No. You can stop testing when you detect your LH surge.
Can I use the test holder with any other test sticks?
You can only use Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test Sticks with this test holder. If you have test sticks left from a previous Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test Pack you can use the test holder in this pack.
I have done a test, but no result has appeared on the Display. What does this mean?
Your result should appear on the Display within 3 minutes of doing a test. If no result appears an error symbol will appear on the Display within 10 minutes. Refer to the full instruction leaflet for information on the error messages.
How accurate is Clearblue DIGITAL Ovulation Test?
The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test has been shown in extensive laboratory trials to be over 99% accurate in detecting the LH surge prior to ovulation. The sensitivity of the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is 40mIU/ml.
I’ve done all the tests as instructed, but I’ve not yet detected my surge. What should I do?
The number of Test Sticks in a Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test pack is sufficient for most women with regular cycles to detect their LH surge. If your cycle length varies by more than 3 days then it is possible that you may need to start a new pack to detect your LH surge. Some women do not ovulate each cycle and therefore will not see an LH surge in such cycles. If you are concerned about your results please see your doctor.
Can any medication or medical conditions affect the result?
a. Always read the manufacturers’ instructions for any medication that you are taking before conducting a test.
b. Certain medical conditions and medications can adversely affect the performance of the Test: for example if you are actually pregnant, have recently been pregnant, have reached the menopause or have polycystic ovarian syndrome you may get a misleading result. This may also be true if you are taking fertility drugs containing Luteinising Hormone or human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. Please check with your doctor. -
I’ve recently stopped using hormonal contraception (e.g. the contraceptive pill). Will this affect the results?
No, it will not affect your results. However your natural hormone pattern is disrupted by hormonal contraception and if you have recently stopped using it your cycles can be irregular and may take some time to stabilise. You may wish to wait until you have had two natural menstrual cycles, and note the length of these cycles, before using Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test.
I’ve used Clearblue DIGITAL Ovulation Test for several months and haven’t become pregnant. Can I be sure of getting pregnant?
It can take many months to become pregnant. There are many reasons why you may not become pregnant even if you’ve been able to have sex at your most fertile time. If after several months you’ve had no success, you should consult your doctor.

Digital Ovulation Test: pinpoints your 2 most fertile days
In every cycle there are only a few days when a woman can conceive, so having sex on these days is very important if you are trying to get pregnant.